Once you find the right checking account, here are some helpful debit card tips.

Debit Card Options
Our personal checking accounts include a Green Debit Card. If you would like to support one of our local high schools, spirit debit cards are available as a free upgrade.
Learn more about spirit cards here.
Debit Card Setup
To Activate your new card call: 1-866-633-5293
During this call you will be able to setup a custom PIN.
You must call this number from a phone number that is associated with your checking account. Need Help? Give our customer service a call at 1-931-363-1796.
Online and Mobile Banking
Click the button to see step by step online and mobile banking instructions. Online banking (through a web browser must be used to create an online banking account. After that, you can download and login through our mobile app.) Questions? Call us at 1-931-363-1796 or email contactus@thebof.com.
Debit Card tips
- Memorize Your Pin. Do not write your personal identification number (PIN) down and carry it with you.
- Protect your cards as if they were cash.
- Be sure to keep the bank informed of all changes in your contact information.
- Notify the bank when traveling out of state. The bank can place a travel alert on your card to prevent your card from being blocked for suspicious or fraudulent transactions.
- Take your receipt and save it. Always check sales vouchers for the correct purchase amount before you sign them.
- Keep an eye on your card when doing a transaction. Giving your card to someone is like giving them cash so keep your card in sight at all times.
- Check your bank statement to assure the amounts charged are what you authorized.
- Be observant of any "skimming devices". Never use an ATM or card swipe that looks like it has been tampered with as indicated by loose or extra parts attached to the face of the machine, adhesive tape or glue residue.
- Never lend your card to anyone. Never let your debit card out of your sight.
Report a lost or stolen debit card
Lost or Stolen Debit Card? Call 1-800-500-1044
If your debit card is lost or stolen, or if you believe your PIN number has been compromised, please contact our main office during regular business hours at 931-363-1796 or call 1-800-500-1044 after business hours.
Broken Debit Card
Each Branch has the ability to print a new debit card on site. Please visit a branch if you debit card is broken or unusable.