This account makes it simple to keep your family finances safer and take advantage of smart discounts on financial services.
Frank’s Secure Benefits
- Identity Theft Protection and Resolution with IDProtect®1
- Resolution Services
- $10,000 Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Coverage2
- Monitoring Benefits*, Credit Report and Score3
- Identity Monitoring*
- Credit Card Registration*
- Resolution Services
- Cellular Telephone Protection2 - Receive up to $400 of Cellular Telephone Coverage to reimburse the cost of replacing or repairing your device
- Debit Advantage®2
- Buyer’s Protection is part of your Debit Advantage coverage and will replace, repair or reimburse you for amounts up to the full purchase price of your new item during the first 90 days after the purchase date.
- Extended Warranty extends the U.S. manufacturer’s original written warranty up to one full year on most new retail purchases if the warranty is less than five years. Items must be purchased entirely with your debit card or via other means from your covered checking account.
- Buyer’s Protection is part of your Debit Advantage coverage and will replace, repair or reimburse you for amounts up to the full purchase price of your new item during the first 90 days after the purchase date.
- Roadside Assistance Expense Reimbursement2
- With Roadside Assistance Expense Reimbursement, you are covered with up to $80/incident.
- Eligible services for your vehicle include:Towing assistance
- Delivery of fuel, oil, fluid or water
- Battery service
- Lock-out assistance
- Flat tire assistance
- Delivery of fuel, oil, fluid or water
- Travel and Leisure Discounts (available online)
- Complimentary Checks (up to 3 boxes per year)
- Complimentary Cashier’s Checks
- Complimentary Document Shredding Services (up to 2lbs. per month)
- With Roadside Assistance Expense Reimbursement, you are covered with up to $80/incident.
A low monthly service fee of $5.95.
Access your benefits and learn more at www.clubchecking.com
Personal Protection and Peace of Mind with IDProtect®
In 2019 consumers reported losing more than $1.9 billion related to fraud complaints, an increase of $293 million from 2018. Of the more than 3.2 million identity theft and fraud reports received in 2019, 1.7 million were fraud-related.4
Identity theft can happen to anyone. It can drain your financial accounts, damage your credit, endanger your employment and cost you money to repair.
Club Checking includes IDProtect1 – an identity theft protection and resolution service that also includes credit file monitoring. If you become a victim of identity theft, experts will provide you with professional fraud resolution, helping you document damage and file necessary paperwork. This recovery plan reduces time spent restoring your credit and reputation, and valuable expense reimbursement is offered to help cover eligible expenses related to identity theft. Be sure to review all of the benefits and services provided with IDProtect1 and follow instructions regarding activation.
Resolution Services
As an eligible account holder, you are provided with identity theft resolution services. Should you become a victim of identity theft, a dedicated fraud specialist will be assigned to manage your case. Your recovery professional will walk you through the recovery process and assist you until your credit and identity are restored.$10,000 Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Coverage2
Restoring one’s name and good credit is time consuming and expensive. Identity theft victims must endure a number of costly steps to re-establish their identities and dispute fraudulent debts and accounts opened by an identity thief. You are protected with up to $10,000 of Identity Theft coverage to cover expenses incurred in the recovery of a stolen identity…such as lost wages, legal fees, certified mail and long distance charges.**Monitoring Benefits, Credit Report and Score3
*Monitoring Benefits, including Credit Report and Credit Score must be activated. You will be required to complete authentication.Time is of the essence in discovering identity theft, since the quicker it is discovered; the easier it is to recover from it. Monitoring is a critical component in discovering identity theft quickly in order to limit the amount of damage that can be done.
- Single Bureau Credit Monitoring - Daily credit file monitoring and automated alerts of key changes to your credit report.
- Single Bureau Credit Report
- Credit Score
Identity Monitoring
IDProtect Identity Monitoring searches and monitors thousands of databases and billions of records looking for suspicious activity that could indicate the beginning steps of identity theft.Credit Card Registration
*Register your credit, debit and ATM cards with us and receive assistance from IDProtect should your cards become lost or stolen.How does Credit Card Registration Work?
With IDProtect credit card registration service you can register your credit, debit and ATM cards so that you may have easy and quick access to them in the event they are lost or stolen. All you have to do is call one toll-free number if your cards are lost or stolen and we will work quickly on your behalf to notify card issuers and request replacement card(s). Some card issuers may require card holders to call them directly - however, IDProtect will alert card issuers regarding the lost or stolen card so the account can be noted and will contact card holder with further action required by the card holder if any. If any unauthorized charges appear on your registered account(s) and the card issuer holds you responsible, we will pay the amount for which you are liable.*
Visit Clubchecking.com to register your card.
*IDProtect will reimburse unauthorized charges up to the legal Maximum Liability for a total of $2,500 for registered cards.
In the US, federal law limits the liability of card holders. Learn more by visiting Federal Trade Commission.
In the US, federal law limits the liability of card holders. Learn more by visiting Federal Trade Commission.
Cellular Telephone Protection $4002
Cell phones are part of our daily lives. Replacing them if they are stolen or damaged can be costly. With Cellular Telephone Protection you receive up to $400 of Cellular Telephone Coverage to reimburse the cost of replacing or repairing your device. This valuable protection covers you whether you are at home or abroad.Please see Benefit Description for complete terms of coverage and exclusions.
(You do not have to register to receive this benefit and it is available in the event you suffer damage or loss.)**
Debit Advantage®2
You’ve Got The AdvantageGetting new stuff is fun. Breaking it, having it stolen or having it stop working isn’t. That’s why your account comes with Debit Advantage — coverage that replaces items that get broken or stolen, and extends the warranty on the items you buy for up to a full extra year.
Protect Your Purchases
Drop that crystal vase for Aunt Sally? Watch stolen while on vacation? Someone steal your new smartphone? Never fear! Buyer’s Protection is part of your Debit Advantage coverage and will replace, repair or reimburse you for amounts up to the full purchase price of your new item during the first 90 days after the purchase date.
Drop that crystal vase for Aunt Sally? Watch stolen while on vacation? Someone steal your new smartphone? Never fear! Buyer’s Protection is part of your Debit Advantage coverage and will replace, repair or reimburse you for amounts up to the full purchase price of your new item during the first 90 days after the purchase date.
Extend Manufacturer’s Warranties
Manufacturer’s warranties are great, but they don’t always last as long as you need them to. And nothing is more frustrating than having a new toy, tool or tech device stop working right after the regular warranty expires. Debit Advantage doubles the manufacturer’s warranty for up to a full additional year on eligible items you buy with your debit card or via other means from your covered checking account.
Manufacturer’s warranties are great, but they don’t always last as long as you need them to. And nothing is more frustrating than having a new toy, tool or tech device stop working right after the regular warranty expires. Debit Advantage doubles the manufacturer’s warranty for up to a full additional year on eligible items you buy with your debit card or via other means from your covered checking account.
Please see Benefit Description for complete terms of coverage and exclusions.
(You do not have to register to receive this insurance coverage and it is available in the event you suffer damage or loss.)
(You do not have to register to receive this insurance coverage and it is available in the event you suffer damage or loss.)
Roadside Assistance Expense Reimbursement2
Breaking down is never fun and the cost of roadside assistance can often be expensive. With Roadside Assistance Expense Reimbursement, you are covered with up to $80/incident.Eligible services for your vehicle include:
- Towing assistance
- Delivery of fuel, oil, fluid or water
- Battery service
- Lock-out assistance
- Flat tire assistance
Roadside Assistance must be obtained through the Personal VIP Assistance Service to be eligible for expense reimbursement.
Disclosure Section:
*Registration/activation required
1Benefits are available to personal checking account owner(s), their joint account owners and their eligible family members subject to the terms and conditions for the applicable Benefits. Some Benefits require authentication, registration and/or activation. Benefits are not available to a “signer” on the account who is not an account owner or to businesses, clubs, trusts, organizations and/or churches and their members, or schools and their employees/students. Family includes: Spouse, persons qualifying as domestic partner, and children under 25 years of age and parent(s) of the account holder who are residents of the same household.
2Special Program Notes: The descriptions herein are summaries only and do not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the Benefits described. Please refer to the actual Guide to Benefit and/or insurance documents for complete details of coverage and exclusions. Coverage is provided through the company named in the Guide to Benefit or on the certificate of insurance.
3Credit Score is a VantageScore 3.0 based on single credit bureau data. Third parties may use a different type of credit score to assess your creditworthiness.
4Facts + Statistics: Identity theft and cybercrime.” Iii.org. Source: Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Sentinel Network
Insurance Product is not insured by FDIC or any Federal Government Agency; not a deposit of or guaranteed by the bank or any bank affiliate.